Credit Connections

Credit Connections has been helping its clients find financial resources and freedom since 2007 and has serviced thousands of clients across the nation. We consult in the areas of credit, debt, tax preparation and small business consulting. With our holistic approach to finances Credit Connections clients are able to streamline their financial services and get the resources they need for success. Our services include:

Financial independence is never a destination but a lifelong pursuit that needs to be tracked with timelines and benchmarks.  At Credit Connections our Next Steps appointments are designed to make sure the compass is pointing True North towards your objectives.  Having a team of highly qualified professionals when life takes you off course can help make sure you always stay on the right path.  

While on our programs you will learn how credit and taxes can be used to help you get out of debt, keep more of your money and create the cashflow you need for your personal or business finances to succeed.

Credit Connections Inc.

Credit Connections Inc. is dedicated to bringing you a holistic approach to your credit, debt, taxes, and retirement.  At Credit Connections, your financial goals become ours. All our services provide you with Monthly Next Steps to help you climb the wealth ladder and reach your lifestyle goals.   

The Money Pit

Credit Connections Inc., has teamed up with The Money Pit to bring financial literacy to your office or living room.  The Money Pit’s financial curriculum is designed to bring real solutions to your personal and business finances.  

Phoenix bird embedded into a logo for the Colorado Phoenix Project

The Colorado Phoenix Project

Giving back to the communities it serves is a priority for Credit Connections Inc.  The Colorado Phoenix Project is dedicated to bringing physical, mental, and financial awareness to those it reaches.  With Credit Connections Inc and The Colorado Phoenix Project working together great things are already happening!

Successful business people applauding

Credit Connections Inc., understands the complex problems of personal and business finances.  With over two decades of experience our professional network understands how to improve the goals you have, the problems you face and the direction you need to go.  Thousands of people and businesses have experienced the Credit Connections difference.  Financial Freedom is not a myth, call Credit Connections today for your free personal or small business consultation.

Turn Curiosity Into Action!